Petition Signing Event
Join Us for a petition signing event to get Democratic Candidates on the Ballot for 2024. Deer Park Office Complex, 21660 N Field Parkway, Deer Park, IL 60010
Meet the Candidates Night
It can be tough campaigning, which is why the Lake Zurich Area Chamber of Commerce wants to help you spread the word about your campaign.
Register today for your table at our Meet the Candidates event on September 14th. Meet residents from Lake Zurich, Hawthorn Woods, Deer Park, Long Grove, Kildeer and more!
We aim to give you every opportunity to meet with residents, hear their concerns, and engage in meaningful conversations.
This event is for all local candidates in this year's election and we hope to see you there!

Ela Township Democrats Monthly Meeting for July
Join us for our monthly meeting!
Send us an email to request a Zoom invite.
Ela Township Democrats Monthly Meeting for June
Join us for our monthly meeting!
Send us an email to request a Zoom invite.

Ela Dems Spring Potluck & Candidate Meet and Greet
Bring your family, friends, and your favorite dish to share! The Meet & Greet/Potluck will be held in Shelter B at the Heron Creek Preserve in Long Grove. Our candidates include those running for Lake County Board, Lake County Sheriff, and District 51 Representative positions. Mark your calendars for a fun-filled evening and great food!
Ela Township Democrats Monthly Meeting for May
Join us for our monthly meeting!
Send us an email to request a Zoom invite.
Ela Township Democrats Monthly Meeting for April
Join us for our monthly meeting!
Send us an email to request a Zoom invite.

Ela Dems Monthly Meeting with Victor Shi and iGen Podcast
Please join us at the Ela Dems Monthly Meeting next Tuesday. Our featured speaker will be Victor Shi, co-founder of the Intergenerational Politics (iGen) podcast with MSNBC contributor Jill Wine-Banks. We’ll also be having an election for Ela Township Chair. All precinct committeepeople are strongly encouraged to attend and vote. We’ll also discuss the new political maps and term of the month.
Where: Via Zoom
When: Tuesday November 2, 7 p.m.

Join Ela Dems at Lake Zurich EXPO!
Ela Dems will have a booth at the Lake Zurich Chamber Expo on Saturday. Stop by and see us. We’ll be there sharing our values and recruiting Democrats. Candidates may stop by, too. The Everything Expo is free to the public. There will also be a Democratic raffle prize!
Where: Concorde Banquets, 20922 N. Rand Rd., Kildeer
When: Saturday October 30, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Deputy Voter Registrar Training in Waukegan
Where: Lake County Court Tower – Sheriff’s Training Room, 301 Washington St., FL 1, Waukegan
What: A training for Deputy Voter Registrars will be held. Participants must be at least 18 years of age and registered to vote in Lake County. The event is open only to Lake County residents who are interested in helping to register new voters. Deputy Registrars must be trained in the county in which they live, but once trained, can register voters anywhere in Illinois. Training takes about an hour.
This training is being held through the County Clerk’s office and is free of charge. Sign-ups will be taken up to 24 hours before the class starts. Space is limited due to COVID-related restrictions, and late sign-ups may or may not be added to the class. For additional information or to RSVP, register online, email volunteers@tenthdems.org, or call 847-266-VOTE (8683).

Sierra Club Speaker Series “The Cranes of North America”
When: Sunday, October 10, 2021 at 7:00pm
Where: Online via Zoom. Register here.
What: The Sierra Club’s Woods & Wetlands Group presents Anne Lacy, manager of the North American Crane Foundation, in Baraboo, Wisconsin. She will talk about both Sandhill Cranes and the Whooping Crane reintroduction project here in the U.S.

Sheriff John Idleburg’s Fall Fundraiser: Evening at Kroll’s Farm
When: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 from 6:00 to 8:00pm
Where: Kroll’s Fall Harvest Farm, 13236 W. Townline Road, Waukegan
What: A family friendly fundraiser in support of Lake County Sheriff John D. Idleburg’s reelection. Admission includes access to the corn maze, hayride, visit with the animals, hot chocolate/cider, light snacks and a pumpkin for children (ages 16 and under). Register here.

Ela Township Democrats Monthly Meeting (Copy)
Join us for our monthly meeting!
Send us an email to request a Zoom invite.

Deputy Voter Registrar Training (Copy)
Lake County Court Tower
Sheriff's Training Room, FL 1
301 Washington St
Waukegan, IL 60085
A training seminar in Lake County is being held for residents who want to become Deputy Voter Registrars. The training session is conducted by the County Clerk's office, and once you complete the session you will officially be able to register others to vote..

It’s Potluck Time!
Come and meet your Ela Dems friends in person outside!
Bring drinks and a dish to share in non-glass containers. Send us an email for more details.

Deputy Voter Registrar Training
Lake County Court Tower
Sheriff's Training Room, FL 1
301 Washington St
Waukegan, IL 60085
A training seminar in Lake County is being held for residents who want to become Deputy Voter Registrars. The training session is conducted by the County Clerk's office, and once you complete the session you will officially be able to register others to vote..

BG Pride Drive
All the fun of a parade, within your own car. For our second year we’ll be bigger and better than before! Residential lawns will be decorated with pride decor, balloon art by Balloons by Tommy, music, rainbow treats and more! Wave to friendly folks outside their homes from 12-3pm or drive around any time to check out the decor! Donate what you can today at pintaprideproject.com!

Golf Reception for Patrick Watson at Top Golf
You are invited to a golf reception to support the reelection of Patrick Watson, Democratic State Central Committee Person.

Kick your feet up and enjoy the summer! No June Ela Dems Meeting!
Kick your feet up, relax, and say hello to summer! There won't be an Ela Dems meeting this month.

May Ela Dems Meeting
Lake County State’s Attorney, Eric Rinehart, will discuss the new Criminal Justice Reform Bill

The Folks Who Brought You the Weekend: Organizing for Justice
Without organizing, there would be no weekends, no benefits, no civil rights, no criminal justice reform, and no chance for a livable wage. Larry Spivack, President of the Illinois Labor History Society and a former Regional Director of AFSCME Council 31 (Illinois), will talk about the history of organizing for justice and pushing to move the country forward in the face of concerted efforts to harm the middle class.
When: Saturday, May 1st at 4 p.m.
Where: Via Zoom
Open to Democrats. Free admission.
RSVP to lakedems.org/RSVP

Roadside Pickup Event
Interested in helping clean up our newly adopted patch of Ela on Old McHenry and then picnicking in the park? Yes? Just contact us and we’ll send you details!

Ela Dems Monthly meeting
Election Results and the brand new EIEIO Award!
Send us an email to request a Zoom invite

Ela Dems Monthly meeting
Current local election results and our post COVID plans. Join us for our monthly meeting!
Send us an email to request a Zoom invite

Local Election Early Voting
Local Election early voting begins at the Ela Township Office Building, 1155 Rte 22 in LZ on 3/22 and runs through 4/3.