To quote President Obama’s one-word tweet, “Vote.”
Elections have been won and lost by a single, solitary vote. That’s not hyperbole. That’s a fact. So, when you hear people say, “My one vote doesn’t matter,” please set them straight. Our country can’t survive another four years of Donald Trump at the helm. He’d sink our ship for good. To avoid crashing into the rocks, we need to vote for Democratic candidates in record numbers. In other words, we need to overwhelm the ballot boxes with a veritable blue tsunami. The blue wave came crashing down on Republicans in 2018. Now it’s time to finish the job!
Take a look at the pie chart below. In 2016, there were nearly 92 million voices that remained unheard.
Let’s be smarter this time around. Not only do you need to vote to make your voice heard, but you need to get every single left-leaning friend and family member from sea to shining sea to raise their voices and vote as well. The future of our democracy depends on it!
Vote By Mail!
Before we begin discussing this topic, please click on this link and follow the few steps it takes to request a mail-in ballot. You should receive your ballot anywhere from late September to early October.
Did you do it? Yes? Great! Okay, now let’s talk.
As you know, we’re in the middle of a deadly pandemic. While we don’t know what November will have in store for us, the last thing you want is to be forced to go out to the polls in dangerous circumstances or forfeit your opportunity to make your voice heard by skipping voting altogether. Just talk to Wisconsin voters who stood in line during the primaries. They know what it’s like. That’s why planning ahead is so important, especially this year.
What’s more, the guy in the Oval Office is trying his hardest to dismantle the USPS and thereby disrupt voting by mail. So here’s what you need to do:
Fill out your ballot at home ASAP when you recieve it and then directly deposit it in a secure ballot drop box. All drop boxes in IL are required to have 24/7 security camera surveillance. Click here to find the location of the drop box nearest you.
Voting early by mail has other benefits as well. It lets our candidates know that they can check you off their list. They can see that you’ve voted, done your job as a patriotic American, and they can move on to contacting others to ensure that they vote as well.
Finally, don’t let Trump fool you. This voting method has been proven effective in states like Oregon that has been a 100% vote by mail state since 1998. Their voter fraud is very low, they’ve lowered their election costs considerably, they have a paper trail for every vote, and one of the highest voter turnout rates in the country.
If you change your mind, however, and decide that you want to vote in person, all you have to do is bring your mail-in ballot with you to your polling place, turn it in to the election judge, and they’ll hand you the type of ballot you need to vote there.
If for some reason you decide to mail your ballot in, be certain to do so by 10/13 to ensure that it arrives in time to be counted! And, after you mail it in, you can . . .
Track it!
That’s right. You can monitor your ballot as it’s processed and feel confident that your vote has been counted simply by clicking this link: It’s truly that easy.
Early Voting Options
While voting by mail is by far the preferred voting method this year, early voting may be a viable option for you as well since it often allows voters a way to potentially avoid the typical Election Day crowds. Click the following link to read about early voting opportunities in Lake County.
Election Day Voting
Voting in 2020 will not be like most other years when many people have taken pride in standing in line amongst their fellow Americans waiting to vote on Election Day. COVID-19 will no doubt still pose a true and present danger on November 3rd, which is why it’s so important that you plan ahead and take advantage of the vote by mail or early voting options if at all possible. If you still intend to wait until election day to vote, however, click here.
“Ordinary people with extraordinary vision can redeem the soul of America by getting in what I call good trouble, necessary trouble. Voting and participating in the democratic process are key.”
Democratic Candidates Up For Election
In Ela Township, we’ll be voting on the following governmental positions for the November 3rd general election. Click on the photo of each Democratic candidate to find out more about him or her.
The Fair Tax Amendment
Governor Pritzker’s Fair Tax Amendment is the second most important item you’ll see on your ballot: second only to your presidential vote, that is. It supports a graduated income tax instead of the flat tax we have currently and is a means of having the wealthy pay their fair share while providing tax relief to most other Illinoisans. As a matter of fact, under the Fair Tax Act, 97% of taxpayers will either see a cut in their taxes or they’ll stay the same. Finally, some tax relief for regular people like you and me! You can read more about it here and here .
Voter Registration
Do you need to register? Not a problem! Click here: . Many Ela Dems are voter registrars as well. We’d be happy to help you or someone you know register to vote. All you have to do is ask. Contact us!
Check Your Voter Status
Prior to every election, it’s always a good idea to check your voter status to make sure that you remain on the voter rolls as an eligible voter. You can do that here.
Sample Ballots
When we get closer to the election, you’ll be able to go to this page , enter your name and address, and pull up a personalized online sample ballot. Review it, make sure you’re familiar with everything on it, and then vote with the utmost confidence.